
Environmental Geophysics & Heritage - Quality Every Time

01989 477 020 -

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Geophysics & Topography

Specialist, for over 25 years

Radar slice through grotto floor
  • magnetics (total field & gradiometry)
  • electromagnetics
  • single & multi-frequency radar GPR
  • electrical resistance & ERT/ERI
  • topographic survey & LiDAR imaging

Archaeology & Heritage

Historic structures & landscapes

Excavated pits in urban site
  • pre-application site assessment
  • map regression & desktop studies
  • historic building recording
  • trial trenching
  • mitigation

Environmental Mapping

Landform, geology & nature

LiDAR driven stream-flow map
  • mapping badger setts
  • rainfall run-off modelling
  • topographic modelling & viewsheds
  • locating disused mine workings
  • soil conductivity (ECa) mapping

Training & Professional

Supporting the profession

Geophysical training in North Macedonia
  • CIfA Registered Organisation
  • EuroGPR member #129
  • providing international training
  • supporting research projects
  • ISAP and NSGG committee work

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